The Difference between X-Factor and X-Factor Stretch
By Phil Cheetham
X-Factor Stretch may be more important than the X-Factor.
X-Factor Essentials: What it is and How to Train it
By Mike Carroll
TPI Certified fitness professional Michael Carroll (attended Level 1 in the UK in June) examines the relationship between x-factor and ball-striking performance in addition to discussing strength and conditioning strategies for golf.
5 Pillars of Golf Strength and Conditioning for Golfers
By Michael Carroll
TPI Certified strength coach Michael Carroll outlines the most important physical qualities that golfers should try to develop.
14 Exercises For Generating Impulse and Separation - A Key To Increased Clubhead Velocity
By Dr. Ben Langdown and Jennifer Fleischer
These exercises will create further stability and strength in the legs, hips, glutes and trunk as well as the shoulders -- the key areas of transferring force through the kinetic chain.
Eliminate the Sway
By Dr. Greg Rose
This article breaks down potential physical causes of Sway and Dr. Greg Rose's guideline for attacking this swing fault in the gym.
The Top 6 Physical Attributes of Elite Golfers
By Nick Buchan
One of my major roles in working with a golfer is to identify and fix physical limitations that might interfere with an athlete’s ability to best “acquire” the swing mechanics for them. As such when I’m watching the top golfers in the world I’m often looking to identify the physical attributes they share. Here are six physical attributes I’ve noticed in most longer hitters and elite golfers:
8 Exercises to Improve your Scapula Stability and Shoulder Mobility for Golf
By Dr. Ben Langdown and Jennifer Fleischer
Dr. Ben Langdown and Jennifer Fleischer explore what good upper body posture means for your golf and provide you with exercises to help increase your upper back strength and shoulder mobility.