“Heavy” Strength Training – What’s The Point?
By Michael Carroll
Just because golf clubs are light doesn't mean that golfers don't need to be strong.
Three Principles A Coach Needs to Lead Through Adversity
By Neal Hausch
TPI Certified Neal Hausch shares principles coaches can apply to lead themselves and lead others as well.
Dr. Greg Rose Joins The U.S. Kids Golf Podcast
Dr. Rose and John Kim discuss important considerations in developing junior golfers and fitness for recreational players.
How Danny Willett matched his swing to his physical capabilities
2016 Masters champion Danny Willett shares how physical limitations have forced him to make adjustments in his swing.
Under Pressure
By Dr. Bhrett McCabe
With the Ryder Cup this weekend, there is extra attention being paid to the emotional state of the players. It is no question which players that can manage their emotions throughout the three day event will have the greatest chance for success.
The King
By Lance Gill
This is a great workout for the Glutes!
When Working To Improve Rotational Capabilities, Don't Overlook The Neck
By Kevin Dishon
The cervical spine is one of the more neglected body parts in terms of mobility training, but it is extremely important, especially considering how modern lifestyles impact posture.
How Yoga Can Improve Your Golf Game
By Michael Brantl
Golf conditioning yoga is one of the easiest ways to restore, improve, and maintain optimal functional movement patterns and maximize golf performance.
My Favorite Golf Apps
By Dave Phillips
These are some of my favorite golf apps for Apple IOS and Android Devices.
How Golf Clubs Are Using Fitness To Engage, Attract And Retain Members
"While golf may have been the dominant force driving club membership since the end of WWII, health, fitness and wellness will be the identifying characteristics over the next 20 years. This is where society is going."
5 Common Mistakes In Golf Strength & Conditioning
By Michael Carroll
If an exercise is not improving force production potential or decreasing injury risk in an athlete, then why is it in our program?
We Induce Failure: Therefore, Our Students Succeed
By Dr. Bhrett McCabe
Adapted from Michael Jordan’s quote, “I failed, therefore, I succeeded,” Dr. Bhrett McCabe discusses the value of incorporating failure drills in your students' practice.
Walk The Line
By Gray Cook
If you have issues with balance is it a mobility problem or a stability problem.
Advice for Parents
By Dave Phillips
Here is some sound advice for any parent who has a talented young golfer in the family!
Goodbye Belly and Long Putter
By Dave Phillips
The rules of golf will change in 2016 and ban a players ability to anchor the hand or club against the body.
Catching Ping Pong Balls To Improve Quiet Eye For Golf
By Liam Mucklow
The Quiet Eye (QE) refers to the final fixation of eye movement at least 100 milliseconds prior to movement. Longer QE duration is exhibited by experts in comparison to non-experts.
15 Lessons Learned From Training Young Athletes
By Milo Bryant
Not enough parents care about movement fundamentals. They want competition or in-sport play. There's a time for that, but athletes need to have a solid grasp of how the body moves and how to make it move better.
Dr. Rose Talks WGFS and Strength Training for Golf on the 18STRONG Podcast
Dr. Greg Rose joins TPI Certified trainer Jeff Pelizzaro on the 100th episode of the 18STRONG Podcast to preview the World Golf Fitness Summit.
When to Come Back?
By Dr. Peter Mackay
To get back in the game, ramp it up slowly!
Golf Mtrx
By Dave Phillips
Golf MTRx is an iPhone/iPod touch app designed to measure your hip mechanics during a golf swing. The app displays precise and relevant biomechanics data in a visually simple and intuitive format to help you learn and improve.