TPI LIVE sessions are only available for Active TPI Certified members

Webinar | July 9th, 2024

“What is the best sequence to conduct the TPI screen? Should you perform the Swing analysis first and the Movement Screen second?”
“What are some best practices for conducting remote Level 1 screens?”
“How are you assessing players' skill level in initial meetings with them?”
“Do you believe someone who is TPI certified should play golf if they're going to be coaching/training golfers?”
“Any advice to keep golfers in the gym during the summer? Most of my golfers just want to golf and not lift, and it's like pulling teeth to get them in.”
“Most effective exercises for hip and shoulder separation?”
“Interested in your comments about remote assessments. I hadn’t considered it due to some of the screens asking to hold shoulders, hips, or doing the dorsiflexion after deep squat, etc. Do you ever have issues with assessing some of those secondary tests?”
“Are there any adjustments made for age when discussing the results of the Fitness Screen?”
“Curious how you describe the Value of TPI assessments to clients; what we do that they cannot do on their own, for example. Thanks!”
“Explain why the new way of testing internal & external hip rotation (lower quarter) is that much better than the original.”
“Example - player fails 90/90 rest on lead shoulder resulting in chicken wing swing. Why can they make a practice swing without it?”
“What are some of the ways a trainer can approach preventing/correcting any imbalances in strength/mobility/stability?”
“Force plates: Can you explain the correct sequence and values when using Swing Catalyst? Best place to study this topic further.”
“At what point in the backswing should a golfer transfer pressure to their lead side?”
“Medical question: Any specific advice for senior golfers with sternal and intercostal pain after golf? Is it common? Don’t hear it talked about much. Have a couple of low handicappers, who fail upper body dissociation rotation tests and are DN for SFMA multisegmental rotation and breakouts. One has a cardiac history but is cleared from all medical workups, but gets freaked out by this pain. Would like to give him some specifics to do.”
“If a player excels in the gym (strength and power are better than average - squat, bench, etc.) but their club head speed is still lacking, is this most likely due to a sequencing issue or technique flaw? Asking for myself lol.”
“When we have a trail shoulder limitation, where's the first best place to look for limitation?”
“Hi, as a new Certified Level 1 instructor, also a fitness trainer, how should I plan the next step? Should I start working with clients right away or find an experienced instructor and work as an apprentice? When is the good time for a Level 1 mover to move to the Level 2 course? Thank you!”
“Do you find that any of the tests in the Level 1 screen can produce a false pass or fail? Recently, I had a client with long arms pass the Toe Touch Test but in further physical evaluation, he had tight hamstrings.”
“Full swing impact: average percentage weight on backfoot and do most push off backfoot or pull through front foot?”
“What's the best way to avoid early extension?”
“Simple drill to help improve lead leg ground reaction forces besides the rotary stool (or how to simulate the rotary stool)?”
“What's more important, ground forces or upper-body strength/power for club head speed in players that don't use the ground well?”
“If you have a player that tends to hit it 'fat' with irons specifically, would you say that's them hanging back / not getting to their lead side?”
“Does the kinematic sequence have value for finesse shots and pitch shots under 100 yards? If so, what is the sequence of top players?”
“Do you have recommendations for 3D motion capture products that will not break the bank but can sufficiently get the job done?”
“How can you explain a thorax double peaks during 3D analysis?”
“What drills improve the downswing sequence to and through impact?”
“I am a PT (TPI M3/F2) and interested in starting a cash performance PT business, incorporating 3D/biomechanics. Any suggestions?”
“Thoughts on Junior parents (Dads) wanting to play their junior golfer from the tee box vs appropriate yards (driver 120 yards) 6-8 years old?”
“8 am tee time. In a perfect scenario, what would you do (body, nutrition, golf) from waking up to hitting your first tee shot?”
“How do you get in touch and connect with golf professionals?”
“What’s the best exercise to strengthen and stabilize the lead leg on the downswing?”
“This may be off-topic, but any advice for a first-timer attending the TPI summit? Very excited.”
“Favorite 4 x 4 to increase upper body power when strength is not an issue.”
“What exercises are good for pelvic control, especially the backswing at impact? (Arching)”

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